October 18th, 2023 | The European project LIFE SUPERHERO which promotes the diffusion of ventilated and permeable roofs (VPR – ventilated permeable roofs) as an effective, environmentally and economically sustainable response to the overheating of cities and the energy saving of buildings, will participate in a technical day entitled: “Mineral materials in our lives: sustainable construction and development in the territories”. The event, organized by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, CERIB, CTMNC, MI-F and the Carnot MECD Institute, will be held on October 25th, 2023 at the MTECT headquarter in Paris.
LIFE SUPERHERO will be the protagonist of the day and will be shown by the French partner, CTMNC – Center Technique de Matériaux Naturels de Construction, which will detail how the European project is demonstrating that an innovative and effective roofing technology can limit the energy needs for cooling buildings and reduce the Urban Heat Island phenomenon.
The presentation of LIFE SUPERHERO scheduled for this day is part of lots of conferences and debates on sustainability, with respect to land planning, ecodesign, geological processes and resource management. The morning will be dedicated to the themes of decarbonisation and circular economy with reference to construction products up to buildings and infrastructures; particular attention will be given to the durability of brick products. The second part of the day will be dedicated to innovations in the construction industry products for the mitigation of environmental impacts. The program will alternate presentations and discussion times, allowing speakers to interact and share their knowledge throughout the entire day which promises to be very informative.
It will be possible to participate in this technical day in person, at the Tour Sequoïa, or remotely. Registration is free upon registration by October 20th, 2023 at the following link: https://mecd.fr/inscription-a-la-journee-technique-les-materiaux-mineraux-dans-nos-vies/
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