13 May 2022

This year’s annual TBE (Tiles & Bricks Europe) Congress will take place on 23-24 June in Berlin, Germany. On Thursday 23, the Congress will begin with  the presentation of the Project LIFE SUPERHERO “Permeable and Ventilated roofs: An emerging solution for building comfort and climate mitigation in urban centres” in the context of the joint meeting, of the PG Roofing Tiles, PG Masonry, and Technical & Environmental WG. The TBE Executive Committee will follow and after a short coffee break, the Bundesverband & TBE Members will enjoy a Cultural Programme with multiple Architectural & Art Gallery tours. The day will be closed with a delicious Gala Dinner, at an exclusive location.
On Friday 24 June, participants are invited to join an Industry Conference “Green Deal and Decarbonisation of the Brick and Roof Tile Industry” where a number of high-level speakers will discuss the pathway to decarbonisation and climate-neutrality. The Panel Discussion will be followed by a sponsorship presentation and to close the Conference, the annual TBE General Assembly will take place.